Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Survival Mode

Monday- 4 easy miles
Tuesday-6 easy miles

I am happy that I was up for morning runs before work both days.  Let's see if I can do it again tomorrow! 
The start of every run. I have to run .44 miles up our lane before I reach civilization:) 

I honesty have not done any abs or strength because of how busy I am this week. I am stretching as I type because I have skipped out on it both mornings and my body is feeling it. I love the pigeon pose for my hip. 

The past 2 days
We have had lots of meetings yesterday and today.  It's been a crazy 2 days. I pray I can sleep tonight. Even in my 7th year of teaching I get first day jitters. 

Yesterday was crazy, I came home at 6 and went on a long walk with Cole and played with him until bedtime. Chris went back to work when Cole and I went for a walk so he could catch up. On top of "teacher" work he has a lot of cross country stuff to get done. I took 0 pictures. 

Today I came home at 6 again ( 22 hours in 2 days. If it wasn't for Cole I could have worked over 25). 

I had to run to target for "school stuff" and then I played with Cole the rest of the night. 
I didn't even make dinner. It was frozen meal night over here. 
Pretty tasty for a frozen burrito.

Back to last Saturday
 On the way back from the lake Saturday my sister and I saw an interesting man on the side of the road. 
Honestly we were kind of spooked.  On Monday I had a friend mention she saw him too, but it was about 30 miles from where I saw him. I honestly started to get a bit scared. What was he doing?

Tonight my sister sent me an article on him from the local paper. 
For the past 15 years he has been leaving his home in St.Louis to travel to a new city then walks back to St.Louis. On his journey home he shares the gospel with people he comes in contact with. He has walked home from 45 states. 

Interesting, to say the least.  

Have you seen this man before? 
What's the earliest you are willing to wake up to work out in the morning? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I saw that newspaper article, too! It is very... different!? Glad you are being able to get your runs in during the morning (you are good!). I am trying to tell myself that I need to start a routine of waking up early before school to work out. I have to do it out of the house, though, or else I will make it to the living room... and then to the couch :) I hope soon that your weeks slow down! Love you!
