Well marathon weekend was last weekend. I have so much to write about and so much to say. For now I'll leave you will a few pics and comments.
Well I finished in 3:29. 1 minute and 22 seconds off a PR. I'm not upset with the time. I'm upset with how I ran the race. It was almost 100% positive splits. Terrible. The first half was awesome and fairly consistent at 7:40-7:50 pace but at mile 16 I hit a wall will stomach cramps galore. I allowed myself to slow down but not walk. At mile 19 the 3:25 pace group passed me and I just had to hang on. My Dream of a PR was unrealistic and I knew that because of my training but I had a little bit of hope. I'm glad I worked at staying mentally in it an not giving up when they passed me. My last 3-4 miles went up to 8:15-8:30. I ran the race all wrong. Live and learn. Another marathon in the books. It was a beautiful day and Chicago knows how to put together a fantastic race. I love love this race!!!
When I have time... More to come. I took the week off and did an easy 7 today. Hoping to recover well for a 10K next week!!